Tokenomics & Tax Structure
Token Information
World Peace Coin was launched fairly on October 11, 2023.
Total Supply: 8,000,000,000.
Transaction tax: 1%
The contract is renounced.
Liquidity is locked in a UNISWAP V2 pool for 1 year:
Tax Structure
Transactions with $WPC incur a 1% tax on buys and sells, evenly split between:
Operations (50%): Funds expenses including but not limited to marketing and charity. Distribution can change based on project needs. As of XXXX, *** has been spent on charity, X% of the total operational tax.
Development (50%): Compensates people for efforts to develop the FIJI protocol.
Though World Peace Coin was founded with a charitable mission, we do not currently have a registered charity nonprofit under the U.S. tax code. However, we maintain that the sole purpose of the token is to foster the charitable purpose of WORLD PEACE.
Charitable contributions are documented and updated here:
Official Links
Contract: 0xC7C53760375530E5AF29Fded5E13989325299382
Last updated